Monday, September 29, 2008

Birthday Week!

At first I thought that 25 sounded old, but then I realized that 35 doesn't sound very old to me...and it is still 10 years away.

This past week was quite splendid! I was so excited to get a b-day package from my family that I just knew would contain my favorite chocolate covered soy nuts from Trader Joe's, along with another food delicacy selection of their choice. Usually this delicacy is Tortellini or delicious Almonds...but this time it was Gnocchi, which I am eager to try. Has anyone tried it? I love Trader Joe's! I was also VERY excited that they sent me big mama maternity clothes so I can stop busting the buttons off everything I own. ha!

And then of course, Zane bought me pop-tarts (birthday tradition from long ago) and some very delicate flowers that I love. I hope I don't let them die! He also made a cool scavenger hunt for me around the house that was very thrilling.

To make it even better my dear friends came over, even though our house was super hot, and made me feel special on my 25th. They are awesome!

I then received this lovely treat in the mail from my friend Val. I thought it was way cute! Each square is a mini piece of cake.

Zane extended my B-day to the weekend by taking me to a hotel in Honolulu so we could go on a pretend vacation. We mostly walked around and people watched. Very entertaining! It was nice to be somewhere different, even for just a night! Here is some of the night life:

When we took this picture someone asked us for a dollar, but kept apologizing once he realized that we live here and aren't rich people on a vacation.

Sleeping Boards

Excited couple in love

I swear I have seen this guy try to fight someone on two different occasions. He was mad that someone took a picture with him and didn't give him money. I was nervous when Zane took this picture that newspaper man would notice and get mad that we didn't give him anything. He is really good at looking like a statue.

In the morning I was super excited to go paddle boarding....I have been wanting to try for a while because it looks way peaceful and meditative. I wish we took pictures, but we were too busy in the water! Zane paddled me around on the front for a while and it was fun. I think I found a new love! I felt like I was walking on water! I am so excited to paddle our young child around on the tip of a paddle board.

We were going to eat at a nice restaurant, but then we came across a Denny's that happened to be the same Denny's we went to on our first unofficial date. We decided to go for memories sake. Great times!


Stephanie said...

sounds like such a lovely time! we have been on a mini vacation twice since we have been married and i want to go on one again now that i've read this!

Jennelle said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I wanted to say, that I hope you had so much fun on your birthday...but by the looks of it you DID have so much fun on your Birthday! I love people watching in town, you can see some pretty interesting things.

And ya, 25 is still so young...I'm almost 29 and I still don't feel old even though it sounds old...eek I can't believe I am going to be 29...scary.

Breanne Garcia said...

Hey! Looks like you had a great birthday! Congrats! I want to try paddle boarding too!

Leslie said...

Happy (belated) birthday Anna! It looks like it couldn't have been better!

Your pictures are absolutely wonderful. Keep up the photography. The paddle board does sound peaceful...zzzzz....

Your baby and Marque and Sarah's will be close in age, hopefully they will be second cousins who are able to get to know each other well!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday ANNAAAA! I didn't even know it was your birthday! I hope you had such an adventurous (sp?) week. Have you decided on a name yet? Last thing i heard was you two had a couple names you were thinking between... Have a great 3 more months!

. said...

Happy birthday! I can just imagine you and future baby boy out in the ocean together.

Stephanie Vogel said...

We should, we LOVE hiking. Thats cute how your husband was willing to do your hair!

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

I like to imagine that I am sitting on the couch with you celebrating your birthday in that first picture! I am so sad that I had to go to work at dumb delta that night. What was I thinking...I should called in a bomb threat or something! Thats a great idea that I will have to remember next time. Happy Pappy Birthday! - I miss you, it has been to long since we have hung out.

j,d and little b said...

I am glad you got to go to town for your birthday! that is such a fun get away!

sheila said...

Happy late Birthday to you. Looks like you had fun. I've always wanted to try paddle boarding too. Was it hard?