Sunday, August 24, 2008

TVA put new cupboards in our house. They started about 3-4 weeks ago, but did not finish until this week (a few doors were missing)! Now we can enjoy a full set of clean cupboards. Yipee! I think the new one's look a lot nicer...don't you? (I know some of you have cupboards that look identical to these!)


shira said...

Hurray for new cupboards! They really do make a HUGE difference!

ashley said...

way to go tva, stepping it up a notch!

j,d and little b said...

Woooww very impressive! I am actually very jealous that you have new cupboards

Unknown said...

That looks soooo good. I want new cupboards too. Instead we got a stinkin new roof, who needs that?

Just Joking.

Your cupboards look great. too bad it took so long. oh well, we live in Hawaii everything here is laid back.

Unknown said...

Oooh Lala! Those cupboards are beautiful... Have you ever wondered why they are called CUPboards and not PLATEboards or Bowlboards? Hmmmmm.... I guess it's just easier to say cupboards...Try to say the plateboards 5 times fast! not so easy.

. said...

amazing what a little face lift can do for the whole feel of the space. love it.

Jennelle said...

Where were the new cupboards hideing when we were living there????

shira said...

anna banana! i haven't seen you in forever and i want to see your cute belly. i bet it's bigger! i guess i'll see you for sure at meg's shower do i not see you more when you live right next door...craziness!

Unknown said...

Hey Anna,

My friend would love to use your book if that's okay with you. Her name is Sherilynn Edgar-Hansen. She lives in H building. I can either give you her phone number or I can give you my number to come pick it up sometime. Maybe i'll see Zane in class tomorrow. Is he taking Policy from Furuto?

Thank you so much.

Stephanie said...

anna aaaaaaana.

i put that race info up on my blog if you wanna join up!

i am glad we played today. let's play again soooooon. :)

Tasha said...

haha we took pics before, in between, and after too! thanks for inviting me to make cookies the other day! i've been so bored at home all day all the time. it sucks!
