Thursday, January 3, 2008


I love radiohead. Today Jared and I were at the store and he had some extra money to spend. While he did that I browsed & listened to music in the musical section. We started to leave and Jared pulled something out of his coat and surprised me with the new Radiohead cd. Instead of buying cool stuff for himself he bought something for me. He is so radical! Yes I know I could have downloaded it for free, but Radiohead is one of those bands I respect so much that if I hadn't paid anything I would have felt guilty.

Radiohead puts me in such a daze that I could lie on the floor and listen to them for hours. I feel like their music is on the same wavelength as my brain. A whole other world musically. Yay!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I agree! Tonight I listent to paranoid android over and over as i drove out to v-land to work... it was awesome.