Every weekday, whether I feel like it or not, I am surrounded by young elementary school students. Their minds are in a whole other world. I find myself secretly laughing at the comments they make under their breath and to those around them. This is going to be my compilation of favorite quotes:
The big kick 5/07
A child is standing atop a hill with pondering eyes as he is about to kick a kickball when he says:
"Guys rule girls drool"
He then puts his foot back to standing stance and he still has not kicked the ball. He looks like he is concentrating hard and is about to kick the ball again as he says:
"Guys rock girls rule" (He IS talking to himself)
I guess that phrase wasn't quite right for him because he goes back to standing stance without kicking the ball.
Suddenly a smile creeps on his face as he looks up to the sky, something just hit him!
"Guys rock girls roll...ROCK AND ROLL!" He says to himself as he swings his foot and the ball goes soaring across the field. I guess it took a good phrase to pump him up for his big kick.
I laughed at how happy he looked when he finally found the right words.....
Superhero 11/26/07
Child: "I want to be a superhero"
Teacher: "What would you do if you were a superhero?"
Child: " I would slap an alligator in the butt"
NerdNice girl who likes to tell me her thoughts: "Mrs. Anna, I'm a nerd, but don't tell anyone...okay?"
Me: "You're not a nerd, why do you think you're a nerd?"
Girl: "Because I get wedgies every day"